Sunday, March 20, 2011



Creative Director: Juris Bramantyo
Photographer: Vira Citra 
Stylist: Juris Bramantyo
Model: Tedy Muslich
MUA & Hair Do: Vira Citra & Juris Bramantyo

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sendiri itu,
Sendiri itu riuh lalu lalang keluhan yang datang bertubi tanpa ditemani secarik terima kasih.
Sendiri itu merayap cepat, bagai gulma yang tumbuh membentang di ladang tanpa ilalang.
Sendiri itu bisa tiba-tiba menyeruak di balik keharuman keramaian.
Sendiri itu menyakitkan tapi tak kunjung membunuh, menyiksa mu perlahan.
Sendiri itu,
Sendiri itu sekarang.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tropical Carnivore's Seductions

This is our personal project. A collaboration of my styling with super talented photographer, Vira Citra, and the gorg Misky!
Enjoy the carnivore's seduction in tropical jungle. 


Photographer: Vira Citra 
Stylist: Juris Bramantyo
Set Master: Juris Bramantyo
MUA and Hair Do: Citra 
Model: Misky

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Styling For EVENUE Magz

This is the very first issue of EVENUE Magz in online version. 
Thankfully and fortunately, i can be member of this great team! 
This fashion spread is one of the most chalanging and exciting to do. Work with caucasian model and huge Pittbull dog are the best part! 
Enjoy the picts, read and download the magazine here for free.

Freeze The Beast 
Photographer: Anom
Ast. Photographer: Kenzie Akako 
Stylist: Juris Bramantyo
MUA: Citra 
Model: Jules feat. Masta The Pittbull
Location: Cotton Crew
Wardrobe: Cotton Crew and d'Vindist Accessories

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Styling for MYMagz March Issue

Ini adalah untuk ketiga kalinya, styling dalam MYMagz. Untuk edisi Maret, fashion spread disesuaikan dengan tema majalah secara umum, yaitu tentang dunia malam. Fashion spread nya sendiri tentang hitam putihnya dunia malam. 
Model kali ini adalah Female DJ Pink Cobra dan Indu Ozora sexy dancer. 
Konsep awal ingin membuat foto outdoor dengan mengambil spot-spot khas yang mereperestasikan kehidupan malam a la Jogja. Namun sayang, cuaca yang tak mendukung selama berhari-hari dan kenyataan harus berpacu dengan deadline memaksa tim untuk memindahkan pemotretan ke studio. 
Wardrobe dari Post Mode, Ellite Boutique, dan Windy's Accessories sengaja kita pilih dengan tema dan nuansa hitam putih. 
Dan seperti biasa, no more pics before the isue released.

Lima Sekawan Enyd Blyton

Lima Sekawan : Dalam Lorong Pencoleng karya Enyd Blyton adalah buku favorit gw. Novel anak-anak ini adalah novel pertama yang gw baca di waktu TK. Ya, thanks Mom, gw udah bisa baca dr sebelum TK, dan cerita petualangan a la detektif cilik ini jauh lebih menarik dari majalah apapun di rumah, waktu itu. 
Versi cetakan lama dari tahun 80an sendiri sudah ge baca puluhan kali tanpa bosan! Sampai2gw hapal kalimat pertama di bab pertama. "Sial ban ku bocor!" yang diucapkan oleh Dick. 
Kisah tentang Julian, Dick, Anne, George dan Timmy memang selalu menarik. Perburuan harta karun, liburan yang seru, berkemah, bertemu sirkus, menjelajah padang benar-benar jadi impian gw waktu kecil. Sarapan a la mereka dengan tomat dan daging goreng, serta roti yang digoreng di bekas penggorengan daging di alam bebas masih bisa membuat air liur menetes. 
Sayangnya dari 21 seri, belum semuanya gw temuin di toko buku. But, it's always on my wish list.
Buat yang belum pernah baca (walopun gw ga yakin ada yg blm pernah denger), silahkan klik infonya di wiki

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Real Sartorialist Account On Twitter

Finally the real sartorialist account ( by Scott Schumann) on twitter! 
For your information, @Sartorialist yang sebelumnya bukan asli akun resmi buatan Scott Schuman, hal ini terungkap ke publik pertengahan tahun lalu, setelah Bryan Boy menulis di twit nya tentang pengakuan Schumann pada nya. 
Akun sebelum nya itu hanya buatan fans semata, walaupun Schuman awalnya tak berkeberatan karena akun tersebut hanya berisi up date posting blog sartorialist saja. 
Namun, 6 Maret kemarin, dalam blog nya, Schumann memposting: 

The Sartorialist on Twitter

I'm now on Twitter!!

Follow me at @Sartorialist

In the process of taking over the account I was not allowed to migrate followers so please take a moment to resubscribe.

Schuman secara resmi telah meminta pada untuk mengambil alih akun tersebut, followers yang sebelum nya memfollow dihimbau untuk memfollow ulang karena follower dari akun "palsu" lama tidak bisa dipindahkan secara langsung. 
Sementara itu nasib akun "palsu" lama sempat berganti menjadi @Sartorialist_ (dengan tambahan underscore) namun akhirnya resmi suspended sejak 6 Marte tengah malam. 

So, if u a big fans of Schuman with his super blog, please follow the new @Sartorialist

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sidney Toledano Speech at Dior Fashion Show Fall 2011

Fashion show Dior mungkin jadi yang paling dinanti dalam fashion week kali ini, setelah dipecatnya John Galliano karena insiden rasist dan anti semittis minggu lalu, semua orang menanti-nanti "akan ke mana arah Dior".
Boleh dikatakan full of drama, Sydney Toledano pun membuka show dengan berpidato, semacam memberi statement resmi dan terkesan ingin membersihkan nama Dior dari insiden Galliano. Dia akhir show pun, semua tim atelier ikut naik ke runway dengan mengenakan white coat dan menerima ovation.
Berikut adalah isi lengkap Toledano Speech's diambil dari

Toledano Speech at Dior Show

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since its founding by Monsieur Dior, the House of Christian Dior has lived an extraordinary and wonderful story and has had the honor of embodying France’s image, and its values, all around the world.
What has happened over the last week has been a terrible and wrenching ordeal for us all.
It has been deeply painful to see the Dior name associated with the disgraceful statements attributed to its designer, however brilliant he may be.

Such statements are intolerable because of our collective duty to never forget the Holocaust and its victims, and because of the respect for human dignity that is owed to each person and to all peoples.
These statements have deeply shocked and saddened all at Dior who give body and soul to their work, and it is particularly painful that they came from someone so admired for his remarkable creative talent.
So now, more than ever, we must publicly re-commit ourselves to the values of the House of Dior.
Christian Dior founded his House in 1947.

His family had been ruined in the Crash of 1929 and his own beloved sister had been deported to Buchenwald. In the aftermath of the dark years of the war, he sought to free women, to give them back their sparkle and joyfulness.

Christian Dior’s values were those of excellence in all that he undertook, of elegance and of craftsmanship reflecting his unique talent. His mission was not only to make his clients — indeed all women — more beautiful, but also to make them happy, to help them dream. He saw himself as a magician who could give women confidence and make them ever more feminine, more sublime. He believed in the importance of respect and in the capacity of this fundamental value not only to bring out the beauty in women, but also to bring out the best in all people.

His values, his genius and his legacy have contributed to enhancing France’s image and culture around the world for more than sixty years.

The values that Monsieur Dior taught us are unchanged today. Those values are carried on by the wonderful and diverse group of people within the House of Dior who devote all their talent and energy to achieving the ultimate in artisanship and femininity, respecting traditional skills and incorporating modern techniques.
The heart of the House of Dior, which beats unseen, is made up of its teams and studios, of its seamstresses and craftsmen, who work hard day after day, never counting the hours, and carrying on the values and the vision of Monsieur Dior.

What you are going to see now is the result of the extraordinary, creative, and marvelous efforts of these loyal, hardworking people.

Thank you.

Sidney Toledano

The entire Atelier in white coat in the end of the show. Photo from

Friday, March 4, 2011

MUGLER Fall 2011 : The Sensational!

Koleksi Mugler Fall 2011, tepat disebut sebagai sensasional. Beberapa hari sebelum fashion show, fashion people di seluruh dunia sudah dibuat bertanya-tanya dengan akan muncul nya Lady Gaga di runway. 
Sementara koleksi nya sendiri benar-benar sensasional dan beda dari kebanyaka Fall's look lainya. 
Dengan semua sculptural look, permainan bahan yang kaku, mengkilap bak plastik, seen material, dan warna dari hitam, shocking blue, hingga nude dan sedikit animal print. Mugler yang sensasional pun muncul dengan body stocking dress yang transparan, cut out dengan bentuk-bentuk yang segar, edgy, dan agak futuristik. Pemilihan model dengan komposisi asian look yang mendominasi serta wajah-wajah yang kuat seperti Daeng sisters dengan make up dan hair do yang sangat menarik. Keras, dingin, sexy, edgy, khas mugler. Penggunaan sepatu-sepatu dengan sol tebal, serta tata runway dan koreografi nya pun unik.
In the end, congratulation to Nicola Formichetti and Sébastien Peigné! 

Lady Gaga in action! 

Nicola Formichetti, Lady Gaga, and Sébastien Peigné

all photos from

Thursday, March 3, 2011

CATCH YOU : MYMagz February Fashion Spread

Inget posting gw tentang Korean Fever photo shoot untuk MYMagz February issue? 
Nah akhirnya majalah nya terbit juga. Silahkan ambil di pick up point terdekat. 
And there are some pictures from the fashion spread! 


Stylist : Juris Bramantyo @juris_the_great
Photographer : Vira Citra @viracitra
Ast Stylist : Luciana Dita @LunaDee_
Model : Aline and Felix 
Make Up Artist : Deasy Caroline 
Wardrobe : 
for Felix: Ego, 7Soul
for Aline: Santi's Shop, Day or Night, 7Soul, Jolie Accessories

MONOGRAM In Fashion Industry

What is monogram?
Menurut Wikipedia, "A monogram is a motif made by overlapping or combining two or more letters or other graphemes to form one symbol. Monograms are often made by combining the initials of an individual or a company, used as recognizable symbols or logos. A series of uncombined initials is properly referred to as a cypher (e.g. a royal cypher) and is not a monogram." 

Dalam fashion industry, ada banyak monogram. Beberapa mungkin sudah sangat kineal bahkan hapal. Sebagian lain nya menunggu untuk dihapal.
Monogram sering digunakan sebagai identitas dari sebuah brand fashion. Tidak hanya pada label atau interior butik, namun diemboss, diprint, disulam, dipasangkan pada banyak sekali item fashion. Tas, dompet, sepatu, koper, belt, dan apapun!
Masing-masing rumah mode punya monogram khas.
Some famous logos in fashion industry
The very famous Louis Vuitton monogram

Gucci monogram

Givenchy monogram

Dior monogram

Fendi monogram
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